Monday, 2 May 2016

NTU NBS: Year 1 Semester 2

Year 1 Semester 2
For NBS students, our modules for Year 1 Semester 2 would also be pre-allocated by the school. I feel that it's kind of good cause we are guaranteed of our places in the various modules to be taken. 

AB0601 Communication Management Fundamentals
Course Format: 
Class Participation (25%)
Social Media Presentation (30%)
Final Oral Presentation (30%)
Final Written Examination (15%)

Attained Score: 
Social Media Presentation (B)

Final Grade: B+

 If you're good at presentation and have remarkable stage presence, this module is likely to be a breeze for you. One point to note is to not forget your presentation script when you're presenting. Know all the sequences in all your presentations (no cue cards allowed). There are 3 individual presentations for this module and it's all recorded. There's like a camera recording all your actions and expressions when you're presenting and my tutor do review these clips a few times before giving us the grades for the individual components of the course. The good news is that out of the 3 presentations, only 2 is graded and it's 60% in total. The workload for this module is fairly light, just some readings and mainly the preparation for the individual presentations. For the written examination, it's held during the last week of the semester and it's most probably email writing. The previous batches has done email writing as well. 

AB1201 Financial Management
Course Format: 
Tutorial Quizzes (5%)
Group Project Presentation (8%)
Group Tutorial Presentation (7%)
Mid Terms (20%)
Final Examination (60%)

Attained Score: 
Mid Terms (18/20)

Final Grade: A

This is a highly competitive module as it is a pre requisite for Banking & Finance Specialisation. The mean score for the mid terms would usually be around 14-15 range. I feel that this module's demand is fair. The need to complete the weekly tutorials cannot be emphasised more. Do note that this module is 50% qualitative and 50% quantitative and you'll be required to know all the concepts and theories learnt throughout the course and explain them well. The final examinations and mid terms shouldn't be a problem if you've consistently practice and revise the concepts. 

AB1301 Business Law
Course Format: 
Class Participation (20%)
Mid Term Written Assignment (20%)
Final Examination (60%)

Attained Score: 
Mid Term Written Assignment (B-)

Final Grade: B+

The 3 main aspects covered in this module is contract law, tort law and agency law. I guess the emphasis of this module is how you frame your arguments to provide appropriate advices for the plaintiff based on the facts given in the case question. Many people told me that this module is easy to score and some of them got A+/A, but I guess it really differs for different people. I relied on the notes that were compiled by the seniors for the finals. I didn't finish the paper, a 20 marks questions was written halfway. I'll have to admit that I have bad time management in exams.

AB1401 Information Technology 
Course Format: 
Class Participation (20%)
Group Report (20%)
Group Case Presentation (10%)
Final Examination (50%)

Attained Score: All Unknown

Final Grade: A

This is a chill module. You'll just have to post your news article pertaining on the topic that was covered during the seminar onto the discussion board for 8 weeks and do an individual presentation (sharing) on the news article if you're chosen. This will contribute to the class participation marks as it's 20% (That's a lot!) For my class, we had discussion every lessons and had to present the group's response to the various questions posed but it's quite relaxing as most questions were more on general knowledge except for some topics, such as hardware, software and telecommunications, which were more technical per se. We were also taught database design and excel functions for this module and I enjoyed it a lot. The group report was the most burdensome thing for the semester. It's 15 pages long, single spaced. It's almost 7.5k words and I feel so accomplished when my group finished the report.

AC1101 Accounting I
Course Format: 
6 Quizzes (5%)
Mid Terms (15%)
Group Report (15%)
Ethical Reasoning Test (5%)
Final Examination (50%)

Attained Score: 
Quizzes (3.5%/5%)
Mid Terms (12%/15%)
Group Report (A-)
Ethical Reasoning Test (A)

Final Grade: B 

This module covers both financial and managerial accounting and introduces various FRS such as FRS 2, FRS 109 and FRS 115. I didn't manage to finish the paper and left a couple of questions blank, the questions that were left blank totaled up to 23 marks. I'll have to say that the paper was fair as it has varying difficulty of questions and obviously, I'm not able to answer all the high-level questions. 

HY0001 Ethics and Moral Reasoning
Course Format: Online
Peer Evaluation (5%)
Discussion Question (10%)
LAMS Sequences (15%)
Quiz (70%)

Final Grade: Pass

This module is fully online and it is part of the 3 1AU modules that you'll have to take as a NTU student. It introduces various ethical principles and you can complete the module in 1 day, if you have the time at the start of the school term. It's only towards the end when I realised that you do not have to wait the the subsequent week before the LAMS sequence is available. I feel so dumb. So, in fact, you can do the whole 13 sequences in a day. 

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